I was assigned to work in 5th and 6th grade this year and let me tell you, 6th grade is a different animal. In the first two weeks, I've already dealt with two break-ups. One was on the first day of school with a puppy-dog eyed girl pitifully saying, "He broke up with me..." Next was a sad and teary-eyed boy holding a folded up note from his girlfriend that read: "So sorry...I am breaking up with you!!!" (Exclamation marks included.) I forgot what it was like to "go out" with someone in middle school. Oh wait, I never did. Boyfriends didn't happen for me until high school. Possibly a blessing in disguise.
The older kids are kinda fun in their own way, but I miss the little ones on occasion. Like today at afternoon bus duty this baby boy came up and told me that his tummy hurt and he was ready to go home. I said, "I know buddy, its been a long day." I rubbed his sweet, fuzzy, little head as he stood next to me and after awhile he rested his head on me and wrapped his arms around my waist. We sat down on the bench and he fell asleep sitting up. Poor guy was exhausted. I had to wake him up when his bus arrived. Those things don't happen with middle schoolers.
Either way, I'm looking forward to whatever the rest of this year holds! So thankful for a job that is different and challenging every day. Thankful I am able to pour into the lives of others and how they pour even more so into mine.