Sunday, August 30, 2015

Yoga Beach Pics

Before the month of August slips away, I felt that I needed to squeeze in a blog post. I have yet to miss a month since I started back in 2011!

This month has been maxed out with to-do list check-offs since I started back to school. This year is 6th grade for me and I'm enjoying it way more than I thought possible. This class is so much sweeter than my last go-round in middle school. My friend, Kristi, and I traded off days with the 6th graders a couple years ago and we would lovingly say that we were about to enter "the shark tank" when it was our day to work with them.

To counteract some of the middle school hormones I come in contact with each day, I usually do some yoga when I get home. Find my zen. Center. You know how I am...

One of the teachers I work with does photography on the side and she was nice enough to take pictures of my sister and me doing some beach yoga earlier this month. I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with all the pictures, but I knew I wanted to have them taken for whenever I decide. Ideas welcome.

For now, I'll just share some of them here with you. There were lots of great ones, but these are a few of my favorites. Thank you, Julie Mayville. You did an awesome job capturing the moments!