Hey blog world. I've been out of the loop for awhile now. So mad at myself for missing the month of October! I'm going to give myself an excuse though because that's the month I became a HOMEOWNER. My days were spent sifting through cardboard boxes, loading my car to capacity with stuff from my old place, and trying desperately to give all of my "stuff" a home in the new house. Now that November is almost over, I'm realizing that its going to take a LOOONNGGG time for everything to find a space here. I also realize that I need to get rid of a a few things. I'm also realizing that the office and my dining room table will be a catch-all at least until this summer. I'm going to have to be okay with that.
The first thing I wanted to do was put paint on the walls, so I got the foyer done as soon as I moved in. They went from this lovely shade of Butter Cream Yellow to a much more livable Revere Pewter. Now I'm at a dead standstill.
The living room is some-what in place (other than the paint & the blinds/curtains ). Its turning out to be a cozy little home!
I'll post more as the projects continue!