New year, new blog look! I have still been keeping up with my blog, but last year I did book reviews and never shared them. This year... I figured I'd share again. My newest "happy" is essential oils, specifically the Young Living Essential Oils.
I've loved oils for years, but I can tell a difference with the purity and strength of this brand. My goal for the year is to educate myself on the PLETHORA of goodness that goes along with using them. I follow along with people who know way more about this stuff than I do, so I am soaking up everything they have to say. This will be my virtual notebook, so - follow along if you'd like!
For my birthday, which is on January 9th, I'm getting a starter kit - so I'm impatiently counting down the days. I purchased a few random oils last month because I couldn't wait and I've already used them all up! (Lemon, Lavender, and Christmas Spirit)
Here are a few of the millions of suggestions that can be used with each oil:
Lemon: Put 1-2 drops in drinking water. Use an aluminum or glass bottle because it will eat through plastic or Styrofoam, just like it will eat through petrochemicals in our body. At the same time, it doesn't harm the organs in our body- it actually cleanses them.
Lavender: I get restless when I'm trying to go to sleep, especially my I have a roller ball filled with Lavender and a carrier oil ( I used jojoba oil) and I roll it over my legs before I go to sleep to calm them. It may be a mental thing, but it helps me!
Christmas Spirit: This one I bought before Christmas and diffused in the classroom. It smells like the old- timey orange, clove, cinnamon mixture that you can put on the stove.
Thieves: This one I used up in about a week! I put it in my laundry, diffused it in the classroom, and put it in hot tea with honey. There is an entire home cleaning system devoted to Thieves and it also smells like Christmas!
Peppermint: This is hands down my favorite for everything. I've always loved anything mint. I diffuse this one non stop because it clears my head and helps me calm and focus. It smells clean to me. Adding a drop to water is very refreshing too! If you ever put it in a bath.... Cooling effect extreme
This Christmas I made a pillow mist of Lemon, Lavender, and Peppermint for all my teacher friends.
(2 oz aluminum spray bottle, 1 tsp rubbing alcohol or witch hazel, 10 drops of each oil, fill the rest with distilled water)
My idea is for this to be my space to share what works for ME so that I have a place to refer back when the need arises. Please use any suggestions and share what works for YOU.