Did you know that Young Living not only carries essential oils, but also has a line of supplements? In my 6 months using these products, I've started to incorporate a couple. The first one I've used is Life 9, which is their probiotic. It is similar in price to any other high end probiotic on the market and has been a part of my nightly routine for 2 months now. If you are wondering where to start with supplements, I've learned that most health care practitioners will tell you to start with a probiotic! I love that Young Living adds essential oils to their supplements to help with absorption in the body. I'm not up on all the science of how to explain it because, lets be real, I'm a special ed teacher! But, I can tell you that your body wants a good probiotic!

I tend to get really anxious towards the end of the school year/start of summer. Weird, right? Seems like my nerves would settle down at that point, but not the case for me. So I tried another supplement called Cortistop. When your body is under stress, it produces cortisol. By reading the name of this supplement, you can tell what it does. I'm on week 3 of using it and I have not gone into my full blown swing of anxiety (yet! fingers crossed). Cortistop capsules help to maintain the body's natural balance and harmony. So far, so good.
I guess you could count Ningxia as a supplement too and you know I love that!
I'm looking forward to trying more as time goes on. Young Living carries all kinds.
1) Omega 3's (OmegaGize)
2) Super B Tablets
3) Sulfurzyme
4) Calcium (Super C)
5) Kids Chewables
That doesn't even put a dent in the list, but its a good start. I like to buy my supplements through Young Living because, as a member, I get points back on each dollar I spend. Cash-back always lessens the blow :) Then I can spend more money on the fun stuff (like
Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, StressAway, Peace and Calming, Frankincense....you know the drill...)