Last weekend I finally got around to using the three little pots I got from Habersham Antiques awhile back. They looked perfect for herbs, so I kept it simple and chives were planted in all three. I kinda figured they wouldn't grow, but I have been pleasantly surprised! After I planted them we got a good rain, so I stuck them out there to soak it all up.
My heart skipped a beat when I saw this:
One lonely chive sprout!
He sprouted much sooner than I expected. Since this picture was taken, all three pots now have their own fresh sprig of green poking through the dirt. I feel like they are my babies. Every morning when I go out to check on them they have grown a wee bit! Pretty exciting in my world. Maybe they will be ready for tasting in a couple weeks. I'll have to make garlic whipped potatoes and add my own fresh chives. MMmmm.
"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow"- Proverb
Growing stuff is the best! It's so fun and new every day.