Monday, June 20, 2011

Berry Pickin'

In the true spirit of summer time, Trey and I made a visit out to Ottowa Farms in Bloomingdale and spent an afternoon picking our very own blackberries and blueberries.

We had the best time and the whole experience kind of comes with a sense of accomplishment. When you eat think: "my own sweat, blood, and tears went into picking this very berry." As we speak I am eating some blueberries on my Honey Bunches of Oats. Between the two of us, we picked 3 lbs. of blackberries and 1 and a half lbs. of blueberries.

Here's the rundown. You go into the sweet little country store and grab your basket for pickin', pick till your heart's content, then go inside to weigh -and -pay. Might I add, they have all kinds of other goods to buy in the country store. Along with our berries, we came out with a seedless watermelon, some homemade peach salsa, 2 lbs. of fresh angus beef (hormone and anti-biotic free!) and a big ol' vidalia onion.

I was so tempted to buy a loaf of fresh apple bread, but I figured I had plenty enough already. No need to go overboard. Another trip is most definitely in order.

Now, what to do with all these BERRIES?
I've been looking up blackberry recipes and I think I found the perfect one on another blog that I follow called Two Peas and Their Pod. They have the most excellent recipes. In fact, I made their Vanilla Pudding Chocolate Chip Cookies on Friday night and they were to-die-for. So, the recipe I chose for the blackberries is Lemon Ricotta Blackberry Muffins. I'm sure its going to make a ton, so I will be happy to share!


Friday, June 17, 2011

Burning the Candles

"Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie." - Life Lessons from a 90 year old. Good motto, huh? I think of this every time I take a match to my candles. It irks me to see perfectly unused candles in a home. Why save your nice things for "an occasion." Make your own occasion. I've found that the most joyful people I know find ways to celebrate day- to-day events. For example...I know of a family who celebrates each person's birthday WEEK. Not just the day, the week. Its kind of like Hanukkah. I also know a girl who consistantly keeps fresh flowers in her house. No reason other than she loves them. That's reason enough for me....why wait until company for fresh flowers?

With that being said, candles are my everyday-happiness thing. I go through some candles. I burn them in the kitchen when I'm cooking, at the table for dinner, in my room when I'm reading at night, and I even have one on my desk at school. Fire hazard? Possibly. (That one is the Eucalypyus Spearmint Stress Relief scent- much needed)

So here's to burning the candles ... literally and figuratively.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good Summer Salad

A few months ago I mentioned my favorite go-to salad. The picture wouldn't upload last time....but alas, I have gotten it to work. Click on the link underneath for a list of ingredients.(How to here) and the ingredients are at the bottom of the post.


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

My Morning Run Part II

Not to bore you with more running talk, but I'm really loving my morning run routine. There are a few things that get me going when it seems so much more appealing to stay snuggled up in my warm, cozy bed... in my dark room... with the fan on high. (Cold room= better for being snuggled up.) So, here goes...

The glowing sunrise over the water. "Sunrise...sunrise...looks like morning in your eyes" A little Norah for ya.

My pink Columbia time-keeper. It makes me feel much sportier than I actually am.

Oh, good morning Egrets...just catching some breakfast?

Thank goodness people like to water their lawn in the morning. Timing is key. I always try to run by just as the sprinkler turns my way for a little spritz.... it's refreshing.

Bottle brushes covered with dew are picture perfect. Except this picture was taken with my camera phone. Just use your imagination- they're beautiful, K?
Pandora radio. I'm still stuck on Shane and Shane.

The best part of all is that I had to slow down and stop to take these pictures. Never hurts to take a little breather every now and then, right?

Rise & Shine!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Ode to Cathlin

After this most disturbing facebook wall post: "Hi, I'm Cathlin... your SISTER! Not sure if you remember me." ....I knew it was time to do something. How could our realtionship have come to this level?! It's a sad day. So, to make amends- here's a shout out to my lil sis, Cath.

(And I understand most of you may not have a clue about half of what I'm writing, but that's ok- because this is for Cath.)

Dear CathLIN, pretty name (Tarzan bang on chest),

Here are a few things about you that the world should know.

1) Your neck gets very splotchy when you are nervous and It makes me giggle. Especially when I "help" you in June's class. "YES! BRILLIANT! Cathlin is correct AGAIN!"

2) You are the fashionista that I will never be and I miss living with you because you would give me good tips & I could borrow your clothes (as long as they were loose fitting or had elastic in them. You are skinny. I am not.) Now, all I wear is CARDIGANS.
3) The only thing you know how to successfully make in the kitchen is a mess. Probably because you can't get your thumbs off those text buttons.
4) I like going to weddings with you and dancing like a hooligan. Then coming downtown to your friend's house and drunk dialing from the bathroom. did that, not me.
5) I will never look like you in a bathing suit. I've accepted it.
I just have to keep reminding myself that its only because you used to go by the name of stick- legs and its in your genes.

6) Two words: Aliem Fingers (and my masterful photography)

7) I love you.
Love, Sissy