Tonight I turned off the air conditioner in my house. The most wonderful thing ever. I know its Fall because I have the screen door to my bedroom open, the breeze is blowing in, and I can hear the football game from across the river.
Now, I know you are thinking that I am posting this because of how much love football, but sadly that is not the case. Confession: I am not a very big football fan. Sacrilege, I know! However, there is something about the announcer's voice over the loudspeaker that gives me chills. I can hear his muffled voice right now, getting very excited over some play that I certainly will never understand, but his excitement makes me excited. Then the band kicks in and I can hear the crowd cheering over them. This is my favorite way to participate in football...from my room, relaxing in my bed, computer in my lap, listening to the sounds of the game as my curtains gently ripple from the breeze. What a loser.
Whenever I go to a football game, I tend to find myself people watching throughout the crowd rather than paying attention to the game. Then, I'm startled when a REAL fan breaks out into a cheer- so I clap along like I know what's going on. The commeraderie is great, the weather is nice, but I wish I could love the game like 99.9% of everyone else I know. This is my confession. I hope we can still be friends.
That sounds like the best way to enjoy football ever. I don't care about the sport either, so we can still be friends :)