Here I am for a random Wednesday night blog. Holla! I'm armed with my squirt bottle to keep the devil incarnate ( aka, Whelan) from mauling my arms and legs. Pretty sure he needs more toys because right now my limbs are being thrashed. Don't let this sweet face fool you.

So about my newest hobby, thrifting. I'm always one for a bargain- especially when it comes to clothing. So, consignment shops and Goodwill it is! (Does that gross you out? Obviously it doesn't bother me too much.) And I think I'm finally coming into my own when it comes to fashion. The moment of clarity for me was when I was getting dressed to go out with my sister one night and I realized..."I'm such a teacher- all I wear is cardigans." There she was, looking like she stepped right out of InStyle, and I looked...matronly. Since then, its been a slow progression to work on changing this tradgedy. I'm still drawn to the ever faithful cardigan, but I've been experimenting lately with layering and trying to let go of the matchy- matchy look. A bit rebellious for me, but I like it. Piecing together outfits is my newest thrill. Tomorrow at work, watch out....I'm throwing in a blue scarf with an otherwise brown/yellow outfit. Is it bad that I put this much effort into what I'm going to wear to work? Maybe I have too much time on my hands. Not complaining :)
Have a nice last night of November! Tomorrow is December 1 and the Christmas season will be in full swing. Fa- ra -ra -ra- ra...ra -ra- ra- ra!
to the tune of Deck the Halls at the Chinese restaurant on A Christmas Story)
I have a terrible time when it comes to fashion. I pretty much buy whatever is on the mannequin at Old Navy and always feel underdressed! I feel ya! :)