Monday, January 30, 2012


If you've been in my immediate circle for the past 21 days, you're probably sick of hearing me talk about "THE CLEANSE." Since I'm on day 19 of 21, I decided it was blog-worthy at this point.

It's an eating program designed by a cardiologist to last for 21 days and "restore the body's natural ability to heal itself" by eliminating the diet of common allergy forming foods (dairy, wheat, gluten, soy) In addition to having nagging health problems disappear, it gives you more energy and you might even lose a little bit of weight in the process! This video will explain it.
Anyone can do it with a little preparation. Smoothie in the morning, whole foods at lunch, soup for dinner. Lots of water! Exercise & sweat.

On to my experience. [Disclaimer: I can't tell you WHY these things happen, just take my word for it...]

1) Really deep sleep. Crazy dreams. More energy throughout the day. Looking back, I used to yawn all day long at work. Don't get me wrong- I'm still exhausted come 2:00, but I'm not tired. My "needing quiet wind-down time" meter starts pinging on high around late afternoon, but I don't feel like I am about to fall asleep. There's a difference.

2) My clothes fit so much better. I may even be able to go down a size. I'm not scared to try on pants anymore! I even needed a belt with my jeans the other day. I surely did.

3) Strength. I felt like a machine in yoga last week. Probably could've done an extra 3 sets of ab work and been totally fine with it. Normally abs are my arch nemesis! I think I even did a few yogi push ups too. Me and push ups didn't get along in the pre-cleanse days. I'm such a girl when it comes to upper body strength, but lately I've felt much stronger.

4) As far as my nagging health problems disappearing- I won't say that they've vanished, but I can tell a difference for the better. My TMJ (pain in my jaw joints) has improved big time. I know this because I ate an apple, whole, the other day! Big deal you say? Well, my jaws used to hurt to the point that I had to cut my apple into tiny wedges and also cut off the skin in order to eat it. And, opening my mouth wide enough to take a bite out of the apple was impossible. Chewing tough foods was miserable. So, biting into a whole apple, skin and all was an accomplishment! I'm not sure if the positive effects are because of the 2 liquid meals a day or what, but I'll take it.

5) My level of anxiety is pretty low these days. A welcomed change. I'm not attributing it all to this diet, but I'm sure it has helped.

6) New friends made in the process. Every Wednesday night at Savannah Power Yoga, we have a Clean (Support Group) Meeting. Its so nice to hear how everyone else is doing. Mostly everyone is ready to be done so they can re-introduce wine and coffee back into their daily routines. Me? I just want chocolate. That's all. I actually bought a very fancy chocolate bar from Fresh Market this weekend as a reward for day 21! Its in the fridge waiting patiently. A few restaurants got into the game and made "clean" meals for all of us. Props to Rocks on the River, Brighter Day, and Thrive Cafe. My new Cleanie-friend Angie and I went to Rocks for lunch one Saturday and followed it up with a thrift shopping marathon downtown.

Foods I could not have lived without during the cleanse include but are not limited to: Almond Butter, Date Coconut Rolls, Almond Milk, Stevia, Frozen Blueberries, & Mary's Gone Crackers, Decaf Peppermint Herbal Tea.

This recipe for Cheesy Pumpkin Dip is a keeper. I have made it 4 times since I started. Another recipe that I have to share is the Black Forest Smoothie. Omigosh. It may as well be dessert. And, my favorite night time liquid meal is Butternut Squash Soup. MMmmmm. ( I can't find the recipe I used...but you can google one. I'm tellin' ya...the Butternut won't let you down.)

 Have you yet decided that I'm a total weirdo with all this health freak business? Its okay if you have. You won't be the first to think so.

PS: I wouldn't recommend using half a bag of frozen pineapple in your smoothie like I did tonight for dinner. My throat and lips are still burning from all the acid in the pineapple. Try it if you don't believe me.


Confession,  I did cheat & have a cupcake at this little guy's 1st b-day party. How could I not? 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Learning About Me

I learned a little something about myself this weekend.  I've come to the the realization that I crave novelty. Not adventure, just novelty.  The new and unexplored. Don't make me go skydiving, bungee jumping, or <insert thrill.>  Just give me something fresh to sink my energy into. Last week I ranted about not being able to find balance in my life. I jump from one exciting thing to another. One month its blogging, the next its yoga, maybe throw in thrift shopping, oh, don't forget DIY house projects, then maybe I'll go train for another 1/2 marathon. Point being, boredom sets in quickly & am constantly needing to change things up.

Of all the things I love to switch around,  I have never felt the urge to move to different city or state. That might fall into the "too adventurous for me" category. Savannah is home and I am a homebody in every sense of the word. Even in my cravings for novelty, I'm pretty predicable at the same time. I love my Friday nights when I come from work, change into my long sleeve shirt and sweatpants, maybe babysit for a couple hours ($$$)....then in the case of this Friday night...curl up on the couch with a blanket, watch Father of Bride II and eat Salt & Pepper cashews (No, they're not on my Cleanse diet. You caught me.) 

 I love my Saturday mornings when I can Pinterest until noon in my PJ's with this little guy beside me. Then there is weekend yoga. No rushing to get home and make dinner, no rushing to go home and get ready for work.
Notice tennis ball in background. He's worn out. 
Then there is Sunday. My re-grouping for the week day. Church, grocery store, laundry, prepare meals for the week, etc. Could I be any more regimented? Here I started talking about how much I love new things, then I end with realizing how set in my ways I am. Well, the title was right-  I'm "Learning About Myself!"


PS: My friend Angie posted this video today. Made me laugh! If you've ever practiced yoga- you'll be able to relate :)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Yesterday during yoga, my teacher quoted Gandhi & it stuck with me.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony"
 -Mahatma Gandhi

I agree. I cannot think of a more peaceful state than for mind, voice, and body to be in harmony. I'm not sure that its achievable in this life but it can be something to shoot for, right?

Along those same lines, I find that one thing I've always struggled with is being able to balance life. Anybody else with me?? I will be so gung-ho about one good thing, that other good things always seem take a back seat. I can't seem to ever be firing on all cylinders with everything I love to do. Something always slides into 2nd or 3rd place...or sometimes to non-existence!  Since I'm now on my yoga and healthy eating kick, I've been really into finding all kinds of new recipes. I never realized how much I was missing out on until I started trying new foods. See? Even Whelan enjoys wheat grass.

I'm doing a 21 day "cleanse" right now based on this eating plan . I could write another whole blog on the cleanse, but we'll save that for later. In a nutshell:

None of THIS

More of THIS

Its a sneak peek of what I made for dinner last night. Zucchini & Basil soup.Very light and fresh!

In other news, this Tupperware organizer may be the best $10 I've ever spent. I can't wait to roll it around on its little carousel and choose my to-go container of the day, then wash it and put it back in its home, all neat and tidy. You should've seen this drawer beforehand. It flustered me every time I opened it. Never a matching lid, the Tupperware would roll around and fall into the other side of the cabinet, different size containers all scattered about. A royal mess.

Tomorrow is a holiday which means no school. Hallelujah!


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Turning 28

The other day I read on someones profile: "Do not regret growing older; it is a privilege denied to many." I couldn't agree more. Today is the day I turn 28 and I've gotta say... the older I get, the more comfortable I become in my own skin. I've had an entire birthday weekend. I guess having a Monday birthday isn't so bad when you think of it that way! Friday night, my family took me to Ele for dinner and we had the best time.  Mom and Dad came to pick me up, we had a little bit of bubbly at the house while I opened my presents, then we met my sister and her boyfriend there. We had a giggly waiter, some nice wine, fancy food, and good conversation. One conversation in particular involving alligators and other river creatures, thus confirming why I do not like to swim in said rivers.

I made everyone take a picture of their entree before digging in. They may have given me funny looks but  I bet they appreciate it now! I couldn't tell you the name of what anyone got, except for mine: Green Curry with Chicken. My mouth just started watering when I typed that. True story.

Cathlin's (sorry its sideways)
My Green Curry with Chicken
Ryan's Sushi
Chocolate Bomb
My Key Lime Cake
Chocolate & more chocolate
Thanks Mom & Dad!

Today at school for my REAL birthday was extra special too! Ms. Donovan surprised me with a lunch of Taco Salad and Spoon Brownies for all the first grade teachers to celebrate my big day. Ashley gave me a some new soap from the Paris Market, and the day wouldn't have been complete without 1st grade happy birthday drawings. Some kids took the whole birthday thing more seriously than others & made an over abundance of cards. I had them guess how old I was with the closest one earning a ring pop. I ranged from the age of 12 to 107 with the majority of guesses in the mid 30's. The winner guessed that I was 29.

Wish I could have more than 1 birthday a year! Its been a good one. Thanks friends!


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Years Resoutions

It just struck me that I feel like one of those characters in a girly chick flick right now....You know, the Meg Ryan in You've Got Mail type. The e-mailing to Tom Hanks scene. Sitting on my bed, Indian style, laptop propped up on a throw pillow, the soft glow of a lamp, hot tea on my bedside table, head tilted to the side as I type.....backspacing every few words, reflecting on what to say.
Yes! Just like this!
Anyway, back to New Years Resolutions. I have lots of things that I'd like to work on, but the main one is to get on a good cleaning/organizing/decluttering schedule. I'm a fairly neat person as is, but I have a hard time throwing things away. Then it starts to add up. Its time to let go. Let. It. Go. I even went as far as to make a notebook with a chart that gives me 1 small chore each day for the whole year! (I found it here if you're interested.)  My chore for today was "take care of any piles of clothes in your bedroom." That was easy b/c I had no piles! Tomorrow ( I peeked)  is "clean out one drawer in your room" Not looking forward to that one. I always end up going down memory lane and finding some excuse to keep previously mentioned clutter item. I found a quote that is supposed to help:

"Have nothing in your house that you do no know to be useful or believe to be beautiful"
-William Morris

The only problem with this is that I can find a beauty in or a use for just about anything.

Next on the list would be the same as 75% of the population: healthy eating habits. I'm pretty much covered on that one too, but  the sweets get me every time. I'm been into a more vegetarian, whole foods, less dairy type diet lately & it makes me feel more energetic and clear headed. My new staple foods are almond milk, coconut milk, and almond butter made fresh from the machines at Brighter Day or Fresh Market. I've also been really into these No Bake Energy Bites lately. 

Finally, quit being such a procrastinator! Don't you like how I saved that one for last? Ha. 

I'm feelin' good about my resolutions this year.  Tell me yours!
