Thanksgiving has such a way of reminding us that the year is coming to a close. Hard to believe that its already come and gone. I always leave from family visits feeling so blessed that I still have all of them here to celebrate with, on both mom and dad's sides.

I love getting a taste of the country life when we go see all of dad's people in Statesboro. I got to see pictures of my cousin, Katie's, first 8 pt. buck might I add. A neighbor's "pet" peacock came up to the door and peeked his head in the window a few times. We also raved over cousin Kelli's little boy, Brooks, the newest addition to the family. He and his big brother Cole are two of the cutest kids ever. Hopefully mine will be equally as cute one day. I have this fear that I'm gonna have an ugly baby. Is that shallow? But in all seriousness, these two are precious. (so I stole facebook pics....sorry) Cathlin and I baked pies at one of her friend's houses on the night before the Statesboro trip. We had a slight incident on the car ride back home resulting in me with a lap full of Karo syrup. To the feast, she brought the remains of the pecan pie that did not end up in my lap. According to her, I'm not a very good pie holder. We sat around with full bellies afterwards and caught up on each other's lives. Some of us tossed a football around in the yard. Easy livin' out there in the Boro.

On Saturday we had Thanksgiving with my mom's side. We dressed up all nice beforehand with intentions of taking a family picture for our Christmas card. Somewhere along the line we became too full and lazy to exert energy on pictures. Better luck next time. You may or may not be receiving a card from the Wilson family this year. Depends on whether or not we get our act together. Cathlin made the most delicious white macaroni and cheese. It was on the verge of being a flop when the flour started clumping, but mom saved the day with her swift stirring action and it turned out to be pretty delicious. We had way more food than all 7 of us ever needed. For appetizers while we cooked, we had mimosas, cheese, nuts, and jalapeno stuffed olives. When lunchtime rolled around it was time for collard greens, dressing with gravy, creamed corn, stewed squash, broccoli cornbread, sweet potato casserole, fried turkey, ham, mac & cheese, rolls, brownies, and banana pudding. Heaven. Afterwards the boys went fishing and the girls stayed in and played Apples to Apples and MadGab. This card from MadGab had us all in tears:
Go ahead. Read the words that you see on the card and try to decipher what phrase it is.
Give up? Mickey Mouse. Mom was the one trying to guess it and she kept saying Meeeek- Caaaame- Houuss. We could all hear exactly what it was supposed to be, but she had no idea. Every time she repeated it with this puzzled look on her face, it made us laugh even harder. Of course Grama laughed herself into a coughing attack. (Love you!)
Soon it will be time for a repeat of family & food when Christmas comes around. Its the most wonderful time of the year!
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