Just ponder on that for awhile. My family apparently doesn't like to throw stuff away so they pass around their junk hoping that the next person can use it. Somehow I am the one they always pass it to. I have a hard time throwing things away and they probably know this. They know their junk will be put to good use with me.
Other things I have been gifted with recently: fork packets, plastic to-go containers from restaurants, magazines, sweatshirts, hotel toiletries, trinkets that come in the mail from places that want you've donated money to 15 years ago. For example: dream catchers, stickers, pocket calendars, guardian angel pins... you know what I'm talking about.
I hope I don't end up on Hoarders one day.
...now I'm afraid to post this because they may decide after reading to quit giving me stuff. Please don't! I am grateful for every "thing" you send my way.
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