I'm going to give morning writing time a shot. I've been hearing lots of tid bits lately about writing and lets face it, I need a boost. The new strategies I want to try will include: A) forcing myself to do what is endearingly called a "brain dump" each morning. I use the term EACH very loosely. This "brain dump" was mentioned to me by a creative writing teacher I met through yoga. She says to set a timer for X amount of minutes & write down whatever comes to mind as soon as you roll out of bed, whether it makes sense or not. B) I will write whether I feel like it or not (advice given by a novelist I recently met.) Sometimes it takes grit to get through writing a novel, but the end product is worth it. I have no plans for writing a novel; I'll gladly stick to this humble blog. However, I do want to rekindle the spark and write as often as I used to when I first began.
PS: This may not pan out at all, but in the morning I'm going to give it the old college try.
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