Tomorrow afternoon Josh and I head out to The Happiest Place on Earth. I haven't been to Disney World since middle school and he hasn't been since he was five years old. I'm not sure he "remembers the magic," so I'm really excited for him to see it all over again as an adult.
When we return, I have a long list of things I want to do this summer. None of them are earth shattering. They are pretty mundane, but that's how I like to spend these months away from work. It helps me to recuperate and feel like a human again.

There are a few places I want to eat. I love going out to lunch over the summer so
holla if you want to join!!
1) Charlotte's Confections (on Wilmington Island)
2) Starland Cafe
3) Joe's Homemade
There are also a few new thrifty/antique-y stores I'd l also like to try out...
1) "Sass" 37th/Abercorn
2) Picker Joe's on 41st & ....something
3) Pinch of the Past on Whitaker & Victory
I've never been to the boutique E.J. Scandals in Sandfly. I know is been around for awhile but I've just never made it in. That will be changing soon.
Another plan I have is to do some coffee shop blogging. Foxy Loxy has an interesting atmosphere so I might make that a weekly gig. We'll see.
Getting my passport is on the to-do list. I'm not a world traveler by any stretch of the imagination, but it would be nice to have on hand.
There is a place on Bull & Henry called The Savannah Community Arts Center ( I think ). A friend told me about how they offer all types of different classes there. She did a metal working class and I was eyeing the bracelets she made. I wanna learn!
My back porch is asking for a citrus tree to add to it's collection of flowering plants, veggies, and herbs. I'm thinking lemon or lime.
The Savannah Food Co-Op used to be something I was really into for local produce and somehow I got out of the habit. It takes a little planning because they are only open on Thursdays as far as I know. Someone please tell me if that changed, but I would like to start using them again. I am also going to use Davis Produce to get some fruits for juicing. I've been off the juicing bandwagon for awhile now and I need to hop back on.

I was told about using Polyurethane spray as a sealant on painted furniture so I'm going to spend a day roaming around at Ace Hardware on Wilmington to see what I can find. Talk about the happiest place on earth....I could get lost in that store.
Savannah Furniture Consignments and Two Women & Warehouse will also be getting some attention from me this summer.
Josh finds all kinds of cool music on NPR Tiny Desk Concerts. You can YouTube it... lots of artist play small gigs in this radio show looking room. I always love hearing live music.
Also...today I went to Big Lots for a few last minute Disney trip items. That place is CHEAP and they have a little bit of everything. My mindset of "I don't need a basket because I'm grabbing some rain ponchos" trip, turned into me juggling trail mix, kitty litter, cucumber face wipes, etc.....$26 later. I'll be back next time, Big Lots. With a buggy.