Time to rekindle my spirit. I saw an article on Facebook a while back that struck a chord with me. It deals with the time of Lent when many Christians give up something that they normally enjoy as a means of clearing away worldly distractions and to drawing closer to God. Unfortunately, as this article states, "these things often have little impact on our life and our walk with Christ." In the past I've given up things like...peanut butter...Facebook....sometimes nothing at all. Most times it has done nothing to enhance my faith. I'm sure my attitude in doing so was the main issue, but this year I would like to try something new. I realize it is nowhere near time for Lent, but I would like to use this article more as a goal for the new year.
There are 40 topics on which to focus, one for each day of Lent. In my case, one for each....week? day? month? Not sure how I want to direct my energy at this point, but I know that these are all areas that could use some refining in my life...and probably in yours as well. If you're human, I bet you struggle with most of these just like I do.
Here are some examples: Focus on giving up.....fear of failure, your comfort zone, feelings of unworthiness, impatience, people pleasing, comparison, etc. The list goes on. I will post link at the bottom of this post if you want to join me in giving up some of these evils that keep us from having joy in our lives. Its going to take effort for sure, but I'm willing to give it a shot.
I think I will start tomorrow.

HERE for the link.
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