If you missed the last oils class, we went over some fat busters. Of course, using these oils and doing nothing else is not going to be your miracle. HOWEVER... combining these with healthy diet and regular exercise can surely help. I have not been the best in this area lately, but I'm regaining some motivation to start!
Here are some recipes I came across via my new oily friend, Tiffany. Hopefully she won't mind me sharing with you!
There are 2 different ways you can use these:
A) Make a capsule
B) Drop your synergy blend into your water
- 3 drops Lemon
-3 drops Peppermint
-3 drops Grapefruit
- Empty 00 capsule. top with carrier oil
-Take no more than two per day (one in the morning and one in the evening for up to 2 weeks at a time. Give your body a break for 1-2 weeks in between.
(Essential Oils One Drop at a Time by Brandy Jones Arnold)
Drink at least 100 0z of water a day. Create a synergy of your favorite 3-5 oils and infuse your 20 oz water with 1-2 drops of your synergy in a glass or stainless steel water bottle. ( I would the trio of grapefruit, lemon, and peppermint for this)
( by Jen O'Sullivan)
*Grapefruit boost metabolism, Lemon detoxes cells of fat, Peppermint curbs appetite and sugar cravings.
I've added Grapefruit to my next order so I will be making my synergy as soon as it comes in!
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