Saturday, April 21, 2018

What's Your Color Personality?

Who doesn't love a good personality test!? I took one a few months ago and it was spot on for me. This test in particular is very straight forward and it doesn't take much time at all. Under fifteen minutes if I remember correctly. It will give you a phrase and you pick (A, B, C, or D) the one word that you feel correlates best with the phrase. It breaks your personality down into 4 colors: Red, Blue, Green, Yellow. Most of you will come out with a dominant color or two. The fun thing about it is that there are oils that can support each color type. And its free. Before I give you the link to the personality test, I want you give yourself some time to watch Dr. Jim Bob Haggerton's explanation of the personality types and guess which one you think you will be. I guessed correctly before taking the test! I felt inclined to write this post today because I was really sad to hear that the creator if this test, Jacob Adamo, passed away this week. He left behind a wife and two kids. You will hear Dr. Haggerton refer to him throughout the YouTube video.

Now...Here's Jim Bob: (go ahead and scroll about 14 minutes into the video to bypass some of the needless stuff at the beginning)

When you promise you have watched the YouTube video's the Color Personality Test! 

I'm so excited to hear what color you are! I will tell mine soon, but I want to keep it a surprise first to see if you can guess what I am! 

Trending now: 
-Lemon, Lavender, & Rosemary in the diffuser 
< Spring Cleaning Blend > 
- Lime in my water

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