Monday, March 26, 2012

Three Gifts

Remember awhile back when I blogged about the Joy Dare from the book One Thousand Gifts? The book that I have yet to read. My plan was to have another entry done before now, but ... such is life. March is nearly gone and I've posted a whopping two times for this entire month. And nothing related to the Joy Dare.

Well, today I'm feelin' the joy so here it is. Find: 1) A gift outside  2) a gift inside  3) a gift on a plate

Excuse my lack of originality on this one, but my gift from outside is a perfect, pink sunset. It doesn't get old to me, ever. This view from my room has spoiled me rotten and I fear that I will never live complacently anywhere else after looking out my bedroom window to this everyday.

 "Give me the splendid silent sun with all his beams full -dazzling"
-Walt Whitman

My gift inside would have to be my Benjamin Moore Dill Pickle colored kitchen walls. Going from "picnic table blue plaid" wallpaper to a bright and lively green makes my life better. This is just a sneak peak so you can get an idea of the color. I need to do a before/after blog of the whole room once it is complete! Its been a bit of a process.

Gift on a plate? I have 2. You know I could do more. First is the Greek 7 Layer Dip. Done and Done. You want the recipe? Oh HERE. I've made two batches already. Its what's for dinner. And lunch tomorrow. I finished off the last batch over the weekend after shamelessly dipping pita chips in it each time I passed through the kitchen. I don't think I ever ate a full meal. Just Greek dip upon Greek dip.

2nd is "gift in a carton" and it is Praline Crunch Almond Milk Ice Cream. YESSSS. I admit that my health kicks are sporadic and they last for only a couple weeks at a time. But, for my non-diary kick, this is the way to go. I may even prefer it over regular ice cream! This was my splurge when I was scanning the organic money sucking section of Kroger tonight. It is....a dream.
