Wednesday, April 18, 2012

No, this isn't about me or any of my dating stories, so don't get excited. A friend of mine is starting up this website and I am doing my part on the marketing team. Well, I have honorarily placed myself in this role. But really...I think it's gonna be a hit. Who has a good dating story to share? Preferably something awkward. The more awkward the better. Nobody wants to read about your fairytale, soul -mate, happily- ever- after story. That's what chick flicks are for. This is for the "He did WHAT?"reaction.

Write it up and send it to this e-mail address ( and you just MAY win $100. And the gratification of knowing that your story was the best (or worst....). And change the names for the sake of the innocent. We don't want hurt feelings here, people. Who wants their name being blasted over the Internet for a major dating faux pas? Not me.

Oh, and Like them on Facebook!

I'm looking forward to reading some dating awkwardness. It happens to the best of us.


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