What about something borrowed? For whatever reason, my Joy Dare assignment was to write about gifts that were "something old," "something new," and "something blue." I'll roll with it. Here is my favorite of all OLD gift.
Something old.
Be still, my heart. I love an old couple walking hand in hand. I can only hope for this to be me one day. Honestly, this couple is not super old, but I couldn't find my other picture of the
really ancient couple. (It was much higher on the cuteness scale....the man had on suspenders. Need I say more?) I always wonder what the story is with couples like this. I'm sure they've weathered many seasons of life together and can now appreciate the comfort and peace that comes from knowing one another so deeply. True companions.
Something new.
Perfect day for a hike |
Visiting Kate's (my yoga teacher) farm in Sylvania, GA. She had a bunch of her yogi's up to visit, practice, and eat "earth to table" food. My current phase = local and organic eating. We took a hike and toured the farm where her husband told us all kinds of cool tidbits about raising animals. I learned how she and her husband live off the land! Pretty sure I'd be completely content up in the country somewhere with a bunch of land and some animals. Don't think I'd have the heart to use them as food though.
Big teeth = old horse. Mr. Ed was happy to show off his chompers |
Lots of sheep running around with no clothes on! |
Sweet piglets will one day meet their fate as sausage. |
Kate & her husband, Farmer Brad.
Something blue.
Water and sky. No explanation needed.
And here's a shout out to Emily, my
old (as in: tried and true) friend. I so enjoyed our beach day and I love our talks. They need to happen more often.
I know! I had the best time and our talk left me so refreshed. <3