Friday, December 30, 2011

Top 10 of 2011

I've seen on all the fancy, well- followed blogs, a Top 10 List for the year. I am by no means a "big name" on the blog scene, but I wanted to follow along and make one also. I'm sure the fancy bloggers have some sort of mechanism that does the dirty work for them, but me...I made the list myself according to which page had the most views. (I do have a stat-counter thank you very much.....movin' on up!)  For all you dedicated followers of mine, here are the top 10 most viewed pages of 2011. We can reflect together. The results surprised me. (Remember, you can click on the hi-lited title and it will take you back to the original post.) So without further adieu:

#10:  Pinterest

#9 When Things Go Better Than Planned

#8 My Dream House

#7 Caroline Time

#6 My Fitness Pal

#5 Ode to Cathlin

#4 Zumba

#3 Coming Home

#2 Here We Go

#1 Kyle

And for the record, I love hearing from you when you've read my blog. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. When I started writing in February, I never realized how many people would actually take the time to read my little insignificant posts. But thank you! Really, thank you. It always brightens my day when I get a comment on my blog or in real life!

What was your favorite post this year??


Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Welcome to our kitchen, still stuck in the late-80's. That's some fine wallpaper right there. And its coming down this Christmas break. I've finally had enough!

So here begins the process. I borrowed this little gem from my neighbor: the ULTRA Steam Shark. Me and the shark have been best friends for the past 2 days, but I feel like I'm starting to get tired of him already. He does his job nicely, but it's slow-goin!

 See? this is all I've accomplished after putting in about 4 solid hours. Two measly pieces of walls. I won't even show you how much more I have to go. I figured if I blogged about it, then maybe it would keep my motivation going to get the job done.  Usually I blast my music and therapeutically peel away with the help of my Eddie Bauer ice scraper. (Clearly never used for scraping ice- its Savannah.) I've found that it goes lot faster if I have someone to talk to though. Any takers? Come on by! And bring and extra steamer.

Also, I'm kinda new at the whole "taking down wallpaper" bit- so advice is welcomed from all you DIY-ers. Remind me why, again, did I start this feat?


Monday, December 19, 2011

My Dad

Ahhh, the first official day of Christmas break. Monday's don't seem so bad right now. This morning, somehow I pulled myself out of my cozy, warm bed. Complete with red flannel sheets. I did some lovely, hot yoga and now I have gloriously returned to my bed. Possibly the best feeling in the world.

This is also a special day in the history books because it's Jack Wilson's birthday!  I'm the luckiest daughter in the world to have him as my dad. Poor guy has had to live with 3 girls for the better part of his life and not a complaint comes out of his mouth. His patient and gentle spirit exceeds them all. He may be a man of few words, but he always knows just what to say.

Awhile ago, I read a book called God Came Near by Max Lucado. This passage stood out to me because it reminded me so much of my dad. It's more of a Father's Day tribute, but I'm going to use it as birthday tribute this time.

"His achievements, though admirable, were nothing extraordinary. Summer vacation, homecoming dates, algebra, first car, driveway basketball- they all had one thing in common: his presence. And because he was there, life went smoothly. The car always ran, the bills got paid, the lawn stayed mowed. Because he was there, the laughter was fresh and the future was secure. Because he was there, my growing up was what God intended growing up to be; a storybook scamper through the magic and mystery of the world. Because he was there, we kids never worried about things like income tax, savings accounts, monthly bills, or mortgages. Those were the things on Daddy's desk. We have lots of family pictures without him. Not because he wasn't there, but because he was always the one behind the camera"
-Max Lucado, God Came Near

So Dad, I hope you enjoy your special day. You are loved by many! Most especially, me!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Unwrapping My Tuesday

I read a blog today (Chatting at the Sky) that inspired me to write about "Tuesday's Unwrapped." I'll go ahead and tell you straight up that I do not promise to make this a regular Tuesday night affair, but this Tuesday night it seemed fitting. This blogger urged her readers to write about the gifts they were given TODAY. Not this year, not this week, just this moment. Honestly, my head is spinning right now as I try to decide on just one.

 Maybe I'll write about all of it. What the heck.

1) Rising early for hot yoga is a gift I give myself quite often. I dragged my butt out of bed at 5:20 this morning because I'm addicted to that hot room where I can lay on my mat and sink into the floor, barely awake. I'm addicted to the China Gel that the teacher rubs on my lower back when I'm in child's kinda feels like my back ate a peppermint. Tingly and fresh! I'm addicted to the space that is created in my spine and my relaxed muscles when I leave. I walked out in a I just got off a massage table.

2) A little girl in my class bought all the teachers in the room a present at the Secret Santa Shoppe at school today and couldn't wait until Christmas to give it to us. So sweet...her little face lit up when she fished that crumpled red, paper gift bag out of her backpack to give to me. Melts my heart.

3) I'm making reindeer cookies tonight. My excuse is to make them for the class, but deep down, its just because I wanted to eat huge little hunks of the cookie dough between batches.

4) Today I got paid for babysitting many long hours over the weekend. Amen. The cash makes up for the entire box of honey nut cheerios being dumped onto the living room floor 30 minutes after I got there. But, they're only 4 and happens.

5) My best friend calling on the way home from work, just to chat. It feels good to be thought of on someone's ride home from a hectic day....that I am the one they want to call.....I am the one to catch the venting. And the silent moments don't have to be filled. Its comfortable and familiar. Its a gift.

Now tell me about your gifts from today!
